comparison charset_normalizer/ @ 7:5eb2d5e3bf22

planemo upload for repository
author jpayne
date Sun, 05 May 2024 23:32:17 -0400 (10 months ago)
equal deleted inserted replaced
6:b2745907b1eb 7:5eb2d5e3bf22
1 from encodings.aliases import aliases
2 from hashlib import sha256
3 from json import dumps
4 from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
6 from .constant import TOO_BIG_SEQUENCE
7 from .utils import iana_name, is_multi_byte_encoding, unicode_range
10 class CharsetMatch:
11 def __init__(
12 self,
13 payload: bytes,
14 guessed_encoding: str,
15 mean_mess_ratio: float,
16 has_sig_or_bom: bool,
17 languages: "CoherenceMatches",
18 decoded_payload: Optional[str] = None,
19 ):
20 self._payload: bytes = payload
22 self._encoding: str = guessed_encoding
23 self._mean_mess_ratio: float = mean_mess_ratio
24 self._languages: CoherenceMatches = languages
25 self._has_sig_or_bom: bool = has_sig_or_bom
26 self._unicode_ranges: Optional[List[str]] = None
28 self._leaves: List[CharsetMatch] = []
29 self._mean_coherence_ratio: float = 0.0
31 self._output_payload: Optional[bytes] = None
32 self._output_encoding: Optional[str] = None
34 self._string: Optional[str] = decoded_payload
36 def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
37 if not isinstance(other, CharsetMatch):
38 raise TypeError(
39 "__eq__ cannot be invoked on {} and {}.".format(
40 str(other.__class__), str(self.__class__)
41 )
42 )
43 return self.encoding == other.encoding and self.fingerprint == other.fingerprint
45 def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool:
46 """
47 Implemented to make sorted available upon CharsetMatches items.
48 """
49 if not isinstance(other, CharsetMatch):
50 raise ValueError
52 chaos_difference: float = abs(self.chaos - other.chaos)
53 coherence_difference: float = abs(self.coherence - other.coherence)
55 # Below 1% difference --> Use Coherence
56 if chaos_difference < 0.01 and coherence_difference > 0.02:
57 return self.coherence > other.coherence
58 elif chaos_difference < 0.01 and coherence_difference <= 0.02:
59 # When having a difficult decision, use the result that decoded as many multi-byte as possible.
60 # preserve RAM usage!
61 if len(self._payload) >= TOO_BIG_SEQUENCE:
62 return self.chaos < other.chaos
63 return self.multi_byte_usage > other.multi_byte_usage
65 return self.chaos < other.chaos
67 @property
68 def multi_byte_usage(self) -> float:
69 return 1.0 - (len(str(self)) / len(self.raw))
71 def __str__(self) -> str:
72 # Lazy Str Loading
73 if self._string is None:
74 self._string = str(self._payload, self._encoding, "strict")
75 return self._string
77 def __repr__(self) -> str:
78 return "<CharsetMatch '{}' bytes({})>".format(self.encoding, self.fingerprint)
80 def add_submatch(self, other: "CharsetMatch") -> None:
81 if not isinstance(other, CharsetMatch) or other == self:
82 raise ValueError(
83 "Unable to add instance <{}> as a submatch of a CharsetMatch".format(
84 other.__class__
85 )
86 )
88 other._string = None # Unload RAM usage; dirty trick.
89 self._leaves.append(other)
91 @property
92 def encoding(self) -> str:
93 return self._encoding
95 @property
96 def encoding_aliases(self) -> List[str]:
97 """
98 Encoding name are known by many name, using this could help when searching for IBM855 when it's listed as CP855.
99 """
100 also_known_as: List[str] = []
101 for u, p in aliases.items():
102 if self.encoding == u:
103 also_known_as.append(p)
104 elif self.encoding == p:
105 also_known_as.append(u)
106 return also_known_as
108 @property
109 def bom(self) -> bool:
110 return self._has_sig_or_bom
112 @property
113 def byte_order_mark(self) -> bool:
114 return self._has_sig_or_bom
116 @property
117 def languages(self) -> List[str]:
118 """
119 Return the complete list of possible languages found in decoded sequence.
120 Usually not really useful. Returned list may be empty even if 'language' property return something != 'Unknown'.
121 """
122 return [e[0] for e in self._languages]
124 @property
125 def language(self) -> str:
126 """
127 Most probable language found in decoded sequence. If none were detected or inferred, the property will return
128 "Unknown".
129 """
130 if not self._languages:
131 # Trying to infer the language based on the given encoding
132 # Its either English or we should not pronounce ourselves in certain cases.
133 if "ascii" in self.could_be_from_charset:
134 return "English"
136 # doing it there to avoid circular import
137 from import encoding_languages, mb_encoding_languages
139 languages = (
140 mb_encoding_languages(self.encoding)
141 if is_multi_byte_encoding(self.encoding)
142 else encoding_languages(self.encoding)
143 )
145 if len(languages) == 0 or "Latin Based" in languages:
146 return "Unknown"
148 return languages[0]
150 return self._languages[0][0]
152 @property
153 def chaos(self) -> float:
154 return self._mean_mess_ratio
156 @property
157 def coherence(self) -> float:
158 if not self._languages:
159 return 0.0
160 return self._languages[0][1]
162 @property
163 def percent_chaos(self) -> float:
164 return round(self.chaos * 100, ndigits=3)
166 @property
167 def percent_coherence(self) -> float:
168 return round(self.coherence * 100, ndigits=3)
170 @property
171 def raw(self) -> bytes:
172 """
173 Original untouched bytes.
174 """
175 return self._payload
177 @property
178 def submatch(self) -> List["CharsetMatch"]:
179 return self._leaves
181 @property
182 def has_submatch(self) -> bool:
183 return len(self._leaves) > 0
185 @property
186 def alphabets(self) -> List[str]:
187 if self._unicode_ranges is not None:
188 return self._unicode_ranges
189 # list detected ranges
190 detected_ranges: List[Optional[str]] = [
191 unicode_range(char) for char in str(self)
192 ]
193 # filter and sort
194 self._unicode_ranges = sorted(list({r for r in detected_ranges if r}))
195 return self._unicode_ranges
197 @property
198 def could_be_from_charset(self) -> List[str]:
199 """
200 The complete list of encoding that output the exact SAME str result and therefore could be the originating
201 encoding.
202 This list does include the encoding available in property 'encoding'.
203 """
204 return [self._encoding] + [m.encoding for m in self._leaves]
206 def output(self, encoding: str = "utf_8") -> bytes:
207 """
208 Method to get re-encoded bytes payload using given target encoding. Default to UTF-8.
209 Any errors will be simply ignored by the encoder NOT replaced.
210 """
211 if self._output_encoding is None or self._output_encoding != encoding:
212 self._output_encoding = encoding
213 self._output_payload = str(self).encode(encoding, "replace")
215 return self._output_payload # type: ignore
217 @property
218 def fingerprint(self) -> str:
219 """
220 Retrieve the unique SHA256 computed using the transformed (re-encoded) payload. Not the original one.
221 """
222 return sha256(self.output()).hexdigest()
225 class CharsetMatches:
226 """
227 Container with every CharsetMatch items ordered by default from most probable to the less one.
228 Act like a list(iterable) but does not implements all related methods.
229 """
231 def __init__(self, results: Optional[List[CharsetMatch]] = None):
232 self._results: List[CharsetMatch] = sorted(results) if results else []
234 def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[CharsetMatch]:
235 yield from self._results
237 def __getitem__(self, item: Union[int, str]) -> CharsetMatch:
238 """
239 Retrieve a single item either by its position or encoding name (alias may be used here).
240 Raise KeyError upon invalid index or encoding not present in results.
241 """
242 if isinstance(item, int):
243 return self._results[item]
244 if isinstance(item, str):
245 item = iana_name(item, False)
246 for result in self._results:
247 if item in result.could_be_from_charset:
248 return result
249 raise KeyError
251 def __len__(self) -> int:
252 return len(self._results)
254 def __bool__(self) -> bool:
255 return len(self._results) > 0
257 def append(self, item: CharsetMatch) -> None:
258 """
259 Insert a single match. Will be inserted accordingly to preserve sort.
260 Can be inserted as a submatch.
261 """
262 if not isinstance(item, CharsetMatch):
263 raise ValueError(
264 "Cannot append instance '{}' to CharsetMatches".format(
265 str(item.__class__)
266 )
267 )
268 # We should disable the submatch factoring when the input file is too heavy (conserve RAM usage)
269 if len(item.raw) <= TOO_BIG_SEQUENCE:
270 for match in self._results:
271 if match.fingerprint == item.fingerprint and match.chaos == item.chaos:
272 match.add_submatch(item)
273 return
274 self._results.append(item)
275 self._results = sorted(self._results)
277 def best(self) -> Optional["CharsetMatch"]:
278 """
279 Simply return the first match. Strict equivalent to matches[0].
280 """
281 if not self._results:
282 return None
283 return self._results[0]
285 def first(self) -> Optional["CharsetMatch"]:
286 """
287 Redundant method, call the method best(). Kept for BC reasons.
288 """
289 return
292 CoherenceMatch = Tuple[str, float]
293 CoherenceMatches = List[CoherenceMatch]
296 class CliDetectionResult:
297 def __init__(
298 self,
299 path: str,
300 encoding: Optional[str],
301 encoding_aliases: List[str],
302 alternative_encodings: List[str],
303 language: str,
304 alphabets: List[str],
305 has_sig_or_bom: bool,
306 chaos: float,
307 coherence: float,
308 unicode_path: Optional[str],
309 is_preferred: bool,
310 ):
311 self.path: str = path
312 self.unicode_path: Optional[str] = unicode_path
313 self.encoding: Optional[str] = encoding
314 self.encoding_aliases: List[str] = encoding_aliases
315 self.alternative_encodings: List[str] = alternative_encodings
316 self.language: str = language
317 self.alphabets: List[str] = alphabets
318 self.has_sig_or_bom: bool = has_sig_or_bom
319 self.chaos: float = chaos
320 self.coherence: float = coherence
321 self.is_preferred: bool = is_preferred
323 @property
324 def __dict__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: # type: ignore
325 return {
326 "path": self.path,
327 "encoding": self.encoding,
328 "encoding_aliases": self.encoding_aliases,
329 "alternative_encodings": self.alternative_encodings,
330 "language": self.language,
331 "alphabets": self.alphabets,
332 "has_sig_or_bom": self.has_sig_or_bom,
333 "chaos": self.chaos,
334 "coherence": self.coherence,
335 "unicode_path": self.unicode_path,
336 "is_preferred": self.is_preferred,
337 }
339 def to_json(self) -> str:
340 return dumps(self.__dict__, ensure_ascii=True, indent=4)