diff charset_normalizer/utils.py @ 7:5eb2d5e3bf22

planemo upload for repository https://toolrepo.galaxytrakr.org/view/jpayne/bioproject_to_srr_2/556cac4fb538
author jpayne
date Sun, 05 May 2024 23:32:17 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/charset_normalizer/utils.py	Sun May 05 23:32:17 2024 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+import importlib
+import logging
+import unicodedata
+from codecs import IncrementalDecoder
+from encodings.aliases import aliases
+from functools import lru_cache
+from re import findall
+from typing import Generator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
+from _multibytecodec import MultibyteIncrementalDecoder
+from .constant import (
+def is_accentuated(character: str) -> bool:
+    try:
+        description: str = unicodedata.name(character)
+    except ValueError:
+        return False
+    return (
+        "WITH GRAVE" in description
+        or "WITH ACUTE" in description
+        or "WITH CEDILLA" in description
+        or "WITH DIAERESIS" in description
+        or "WITH CIRCUMFLEX" in description
+        or "WITH TILDE" in description
+        or "WITH MACRON" in description
+        or "WITH RING ABOVE" in description
+    )
+def remove_accent(character: str) -> str:
+    decomposed: str = unicodedata.decomposition(character)
+    if not decomposed:
+        return character
+    codes: List[str] = decomposed.split(" ")
+    return chr(int(codes[0], 16))
+def unicode_range(character: str) -> Optional[str]:
+    """
+    Retrieve the Unicode range official name from a single character.
+    """
+    character_ord: int = ord(character)
+    for range_name, ord_range in UNICODE_RANGES_COMBINED.items():
+        if character_ord in ord_range:
+            return range_name
+    return None
+def is_latin(character: str) -> bool:
+    try:
+        description: str = unicodedata.name(character)
+    except ValueError:
+        return False
+    return "LATIN" in description
+def is_punctuation(character: str) -> bool:
+    character_category: str = unicodedata.category(character)
+    if "P" in character_category:
+        return True
+    character_range: Optional[str] = unicode_range(character)
+    if character_range is None:
+        return False
+    return "Punctuation" in character_range
+def is_symbol(character: str) -> bool:
+    character_category: str = unicodedata.category(character)
+    if "S" in character_category or "N" in character_category:
+        return True
+    character_range: Optional[str] = unicode_range(character)
+    if character_range is None:
+        return False
+    return "Forms" in character_range and character_category != "Lo"
+def is_emoticon(character: str) -> bool:
+    character_range: Optional[str] = unicode_range(character)
+    if character_range is None:
+        return False
+    return "Emoticons" in character_range or "Pictographs" in character_range
+def is_separator(character: str) -> bool:
+    if character.isspace() or character in {"|", "+", "<", ">"}:
+        return True
+    character_category: str = unicodedata.category(character)
+    return "Z" in character_category or character_category in {"Po", "Pd", "Pc"}
+def is_case_variable(character: str) -> bool:
+    return character.islower() != character.isupper()
+def is_cjk(character: str) -> bool:
+    try:
+        character_name = unicodedata.name(character)
+    except ValueError:
+        return False
+    return "CJK" in character_name
+def is_hiragana(character: str) -> bool:
+    try:
+        character_name = unicodedata.name(character)
+    except ValueError:
+        return False
+    return "HIRAGANA" in character_name
+def is_katakana(character: str) -> bool:
+    try:
+        character_name = unicodedata.name(character)
+    except ValueError:
+        return False
+    return "KATAKANA" in character_name
+def is_hangul(character: str) -> bool:
+    try:
+        character_name = unicodedata.name(character)
+    except ValueError:
+        return False
+    return "HANGUL" in character_name
+def is_thai(character: str) -> bool:
+    try:
+        character_name = unicodedata.name(character)
+    except ValueError:
+        return False
+    return "THAI" in character_name
+def is_arabic(character: str) -> bool:
+    try:
+        character_name = unicodedata.name(character)
+    except ValueError:
+        return False
+    return "ARABIC" in character_name
+def is_arabic_isolated_form(character: str) -> bool:
+    try:
+        character_name = unicodedata.name(character)
+    except ValueError:
+        return False
+    return "ARABIC" in character_name and "ISOLATED FORM" in character_name
+def is_unicode_range_secondary(range_name: str) -> bool:
+    return any(keyword in range_name for keyword in UNICODE_SECONDARY_RANGE_KEYWORD)
+def is_unprintable(character: str) -> bool:
+    return (
+        character.isspace() is False  # includes \n \t \r \v
+        and character.isprintable() is False
+        and character != "\x1A"  # Why? Its the ASCII substitute character.
+        and character != "\ufeff"  # bug discovered in Python,
+        # Zero Width No-Break Space located in 	Arabic Presentation Forms-B, Unicode 1.1 not acknowledged as space.
+    )
+def any_specified_encoding(sequence: bytes, search_zone: int = 8192) -> Optional[str]:
+    """
+    Extract using ASCII-only decoder any specified encoding in the first n-bytes.
+    """
+    if not isinstance(sequence, bytes):
+        raise TypeError
+    seq_len: int = len(sequence)
+    results: List[str] = findall(
+        sequence[: min(seq_len, search_zone)].decode("ascii", errors="ignore"),
+    )
+    if len(results) == 0:
+        return None
+    for specified_encoding in results:
+        specified_encoding = specified_encoding.lower().replace("-", "_")
+        encoding_alias: str
+        encoding_iana: str
+        for encoding_alias, encoding_iana in aliases.items():
+            if encoding_alias == specified_encoding:
+                return encoding_iana
+            if encoding_iana == specified_encoding:
+                return encoding_iana
+    return None
+def is_multi_byte_encoding(name: str) -> bool:
+    """
+    Verify is a specific encoding is a multi byte one based on it IANA name
+    """
+    return name in {
+        "utf_8",
+        "utf_8_sig",
+        "utf_16",
+        "utf_16_be",
+        "utf_16_le",
+        "utf_32",
+        "utf_32_le",
+        "utf_32_be",
+        "utf_7",
+    } or issubclass(
+        importlib.import_module("encodings.{}".format(name)).IncrementalDecoder,
+        MultibyteIncrementalDecoder,
+    )
+def identify_sig_or_bom(sequence: bytes) -> Tuple[Optional[str], bytes]:
+    """
+    Identify and extract SIG/BOM in given sequence.
+    """
+    for iana_encoding in ENCODING_MARKS:
+        marks: Union[bytes, List[bytes]] = ENCODING_MARKS[iana_encoding]
+        if isinstance(marks, bytes):
+            marks = [marks]
+        for mark in marks:
+            if sequence.startswith(mark):
+                return iana_encoding, mark
+    return None, b""
+def should_strip_sig_or_bom(iana_encoding: str) -> bool:
+    return iana_encoding not in {"utf_16", "utf_32"}
+def iana_name(cp_name: str, strict: bool = True) -> str:
+    cp_name = cp_name.lower().replace("-", "_")
+    encoding_alias: str
+    encoding_iana: str
+    for encoding_alias, encoding_iana in aliases.items():
+        if cp_name in [encoding_alias, encoding_iana]:
+            return encoding_iana
+    if strict:
+        raise ValueError("Unable to retrieve IANA for '{}'".format(cp_name))
+    return cp_name
+def range_scan(decoded_sequence: str) -> List[str]:
+    ranges: Set[str] = set()
+    for character in decoded_sequence:
+        character_range: Optional[str] = unicode_range(character)
+        if character_range is None:
+            continue
+        ranges.add(character_range)
+    return list(ranges)
+def cp_similarity(iana_name_a: str, iana_name_b: str) -> float:
+    if is_multi_byte_encoding(iana_name_a) or is_multi_byte_encoding(iana_name_b):
+        return 0.0
+    decoder_a = importlib.import_module(
+        "encodings.{}".format(iana_name_a)
+    ).IncrementalDecoder
+    decoder_b = importlib.import_module(
+        "encodings.{}".format(iana_name_b)
+    ).IncrementalDecoder
+    id_a: IncrementalDecoder = decoder_a(errors="ignore")
+    id_b: IncrementalDecoder = decoder_b(errors="ignore")
+    character_match_count: int = 0
+    for i in range(255):
+        to_be_decoded: bytes = bytes([i])
+        if id_a.decode(to_be_decoded) == id_b.decode(to_be_decoded):
+            character_match_count += 1
+    return character_match_count / 254
+def is_cp_similar(iana_name_a: str, iana_name_b: str) -> bool:
+    """
+    Determine if two code page are at least 80% similar. IANA_SUPPORTED_SIMILAR dict was generated using
+    the function cp_similarity.
+    """
+    return (
+        iana_name_a in IANA_SUPPORTED_SIMILAR
+        and iana_name_b in IANA_SUPPORTED_SIMILAR[iana_name_a]
+    )
+def set_logging_handler(
+    name: str = "charset_normalizer",
+    level: int = logging.INFO,
+    format_string: str = "%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(message)s",
+) -> None:
+    logger = logging.getLogger(name)
+    logger.setLevel(level)
+    handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+    handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(format_string))
+    logger.addHandler(handler)
+def cut_sequence_chunks(
+    sequences: bytes,
+    encoding_iana: str,
+    offsets: range,
+    chunk_size: int,
+    bom_or_sig_available: bool,
+    strip_sig_or_bom: bool,
+    sig_payload: bytes,
+    is_multi_byte_decoder: bool,
+    decoded_payload: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
+    if decoded_payload and is_multi_byte_decoder is False:
+        for i in offsets:
+            chunk = decoded_payload[i : i + chunk_size]
+            if not chunk:
+                break
+            yield chunk
+    else:
+        for i in offsets:
+            chunk_end = i + chunk_size
+            if chunk_end > len(sequences) + 8:
+                continue
+            cut_sequence = sequences[i : i + chunk_size]
+            if bom_or_sig_available and strip_sig_or_bom is False:
+                cut_sequence = sig_payload + cut_sequence
+            chunk = cut_sequence.decode(
+                encoding_iana,
+                errors="ignore" if is_multi_byte_decoder else "strict",
+            )
+            # multi-byte bad cutting detector and adjustment
+            # not the cleanest way to perform that fix but clever enough for now.
+            if is_multi_byte_decoder and i > 0:
+                chunk_partial_size_chk: int = min(chunk_size, 16)
+                if (
+                    decoded_payload
+                    and chunk[:chunk_partial_size_chk] not in decoded_payload
+                ):
+                    for j in range(i, i - 4, -1):
+                        cut_sequence = sequences[j:chunk_end]
+                        if bom_or_sig_available and strip_sig_or_bom is False:
+                            cut_sequence = sig_payload + cut_sequence
+                        chunk = cut_sequence.decode(encoding_iana, errors="ignore")
+                        if chunk[:chunk_partial_size_chk] in decoded_payload:
+                            break
+            yield chunk