jpayne@2: sample biosample_accession isolation_source collection_date geo_loc_name lat_lon rel_to_oxygen samp_collect_device samp_mat_process samp_size source_material_id BioSampleModel ENA-SPOT-COUNT ENA-BASE-COUNT ENA-FIRST-PUBLIC ENA-LAST-UPDATE jpayne@2: SRR11671300 SAMN14820590 marine sediment Not applicable North Sea: German Bight (Helgoland Mud Area) 54.052300 N 7.580400 E obligate anaerobe anoxic sampling of sediment slurry incubations at defined time points Previously collected sediments from Helgoland mud area, stored at 4ºC (near in-situ temperature) until use as starting material for incubation experiments. For the incubation experiments, anaerobic slurries were prepared in ratio 1:4 and incubated at 30ºC. Sample name identifies the unique information of each sample including the target 16S rRNA gene, incubation timepoint and state of the enrichment. 1 ml slurry in triplicates, Pooled DNA from triplicates were sequenced as 1 sample. sediment incubation at 30ºC without any amendment sampled after 105 days sequenced with bacteria PCR primers Metagenome or environmental 41855 6160440 2020-05-04 2020-05-04 jpayne@2: SRR11671283 SAMN14820597 marine sediment Not applicable North Sea: German Bight (Helgoland Mud Area) 54.052300 N 7.580400 E obligate anaerobe anoxic sampling of sediment slurry incubations at defined time points Previously collected sediments from Helgoland mud area, stored at 4ºC (near in-situ temperature) until use as starting material for incubation experiments. For the incubation experiments, anaerobic slurries were prepared in ratio 1:4 and incubated at 30ºC. Sample name identifies the unique information of each sample including the target 16S rRNA gene, incubation timepoint and state of the enrichment. 1 ml slurry in triplicates, Pooled DNA from triplicates were sequenced as 1 sample. sediment incubation at 30ºC without any amendment sampled after 105 days sequenced with archaea PCR primers Metagenome or environmental 19833 2973256 2020-05-04 2020-05-04