changeset 7:87c7eebc6797

planemo upload
author jpayne
date Fri, 07 Jun 2019 15:48:15 -0400 (2019-06-07)
parents 5b84740f0463
children 77d3edd25de7
files SeqSero2/ SeqSero2/ SeqSero2/__pycache__/Initial_Conditions.cpython-34.pyc seqsero2.xml test-data/Seqsero_result.tsv test-data/Seqsero_result_25k.tsv test-data/Seqsero_result_25k_coll.tsv test-data/Seqsero_result_allele.tsv test-run/Seqsero_result.tsv test-run/Seqsero_result_25k.tsv test-run/Seqsero_result_25k_coll.tsv
diffstat 9 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/SeqSero2/	Thu Apr 18 16:14:32 2019 -0400
+++ b/SeqSero2/	Fri Jun 07 15:48:15 2019 -0400
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-# SeqSero2 alpha-test version
-Salmonella serotyping from genome sequencing data
+# SeqSero2 v1.0.0
+Salmonella serotype prediction from genome sequencing data
 # Introduction 
-SeqSero2 is a pipeline for Salmonella serotype determination from raw sequencing reads or genome assemblies. This is a alpha test version. A web app will be available soon.
+SeqSero2 is a pipeline for Salmonella serotype prediction from raw sequencing reads or genome assemblies
 # Dependencies 
-SeqSero has two modes:
+SeqSero has three workflows:
+(A) Allele micro-assembly (default). This workflow takes raw reads as input and performs targeted assembly of serotype determinant alleles. Assembled alleles are used to predict serotype and flag potential inter-serotype contamination in sequencing data (i.e., presence of reads from multiple serotypes due to, for example, cross or carryover contamination during sequencing). 
-(A) k-mer based mode (default), which applies unique k-mers of serotype determinant alleles to determine Salmonella serotypes in a fast speed. Special thanks to Dr. Hendrik Den Bakker for his significant contribution to this mode, details can be found in [SeqSeroK]( and [SalmID](
+Allele micro-assembly workflow depends on:
-K-mer mode is a independant pipeline, it only requires:
+1. Python 3;
+2. [Burrows-Wheeler Aligner v0.7.12](;
+3. [Samtools v1.8](;
+4. [NCBI BLAST v2.2.28+](;
+5. [SRA Toolkit v2.8.0](;
+6. [SPAdes v3.9.0](;
+7. [Bedtools v2.17.0](;
+8. [SalmID v0.11](
+(B) Raw reads k-mer. This workflow takes raw reads as input and performs rapid serotype prediction based on unique k-mers of serotype determinants. 
+Raw reads k-mer workflow (originally SeqSeroK) depends on:
 1. Python 3;
 2. [SRA Toolkit]( (optional, just used to fastq-dump sra files);
-(B) allele based mode (if users want to extract serotype determinant alleles), which applies a hybrid approach of reads-mapping and micro-assembly.
-Allele mode depends on:
-1. Python 3; 
-2. [Burrows-Wheeler Aligner](; 
-3. [Samtools](;
-4. [NCBI BLAST](;
-5. [SRA Toolkit](;
-6. [SPAdes](;
-7. [Bedtools](;
-8. [SalmID](
+(C) Genome assembly k-mer. This workflow takes genome assemblies as input and the rest of the workflow largely overlaps with the raw reads k-mer workflow
 # Executing the code 
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
-    -m <string> (which mode to apply, 'k'(kmer mode), 'a'(allele mode), default=k)
+    -m <string> (which workflow to apply, 'a'(raw reads allele micro-assembly), 'k'(raw reads and genome assembly k-mer), default=a)
     -t <string> (input data type, '1' for interleaved paired-end reads, '2' for separated paired-end reads, '3' for single reads, '4' for genome assembly, '5' for nanopore fasta, '6'for nanopore fastq)
@@ -56,23 +56,22 @@
     -d <string> (output directory name, if not set, the output directory would be 'SeqSero_result_'+time stamp+one random number)
-	-c <flag> (if '-c' was flagged, SeqSero2 will use clean mode and only output serotyping prediction without the directory containing log files)
+	-c <flag> (if '-c' was flagged, SeqSero2 will only output serotype prediction without the directory containing log files)
 # Examples
+Allele mode:
+    # Allele workflow ("-m a", default), for separated paired-end raw reads ("-t 2"), use 10 threads in mapping and assembly ("-p 10")
+ -p 10 -t 2 -i R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz
 K-mer mode:
-    # K-mer (default), for separated paired-end raw reads ("-t 2")
- -t 2 -i R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz
-	# K-mer (default), for assemblies ("-t 4", assembly only predcited by K-mer mode)
- -t 4 -i assembly.fasta
+    # Raw reads k-mer ("-m k"), for separated paired-end raw reads ("-t 2")
+ -m k -t 2 -i R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz
-Allele mode:
-    # Allele mode ("-m a"), for separated paired-end raw reads ("-t 2"), use 10 threads in mapping and assembly ("-p 10")
- -m a -p 10 -t 2 -i R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz
+    # Genome assembly k-mer ("-t 4", genome assemblies only predicted by the k-mer workflow, "-m k")
+ -m k -t 4 -i assembly.fasta
 # Output 
 Upon executing the command, a directory named 'SeqSero_result_Time_your_run' will be created. Your result will be stored in 'Seqsero_result.txt' in that directory. And the assembled alleles can also be found in the directory if using "-m a" (allele mode).
--- a/SeqSero2/	Thu Apr 18 16:14:32 2019 -0400
+++ b/SeqSero2/	Fri Jun 07 15:48:15 2019 -0400
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=' -t <data_type> -m <mode> -i <input_data> [-p <number of threads>] [-b <BWA_algorithm>]\n\nDevelopper: Shaokang Zhang (, Hendrik C Den-Bakker ( and Xiangyu Deng (\n\nContact')#add "-m <data_type>" in future
     parser.add_argument("-i",nargs="+",help="<string>: path/to/input_data")
     parser.add_argument("-t",choices=['1','2','3','4','5','6'],help="<int>: '1'(pair-end reads, interleaved),'2'(pair-end reads, seperated),'3'(single-end reads), '4'(assembly),'5'(nanopore fasta),'6'(nanopore fastq)")
-    parser.add_argument("-b",choices=['sam','mem'],default="mem",help="<string>: mode for mapping, 'sam'(bwa samse/sampe), 'mem'(bwa mem), default=mem") 
-    parser.add_argument("-p",default="1",help="<int>: threads used for mapping mode, if p>4, only 4 threads will be used for assembly, default=1") 
-    parser.add_argument("-m",choices=['k','a'],default="k",help="<string>: 'k'(kmer mode), 'a'(allele mode), default=k") 
+    parser.add_argument("-b",choices=['sam','mem'],default="mem",help="<string>: mode used for mapping in allele workflow, 'sam'(bwa samse/sampe), 'mem'(bwa mem), default=mem") 
+    parser.add_argument("-p",default="1",help="<int>: threads used for allele workflow, if p>4, only 4 threads will be used for assembly step, default=1") 
+    parser.add_argument("-m",choices=['k','a'],default="a",help="<string>: 'k'(kmer workflow), 'a'(allele workflow), default=a") 
     parser.add_argument("-d",help="<string>: output directory name, if not set, the output directory would be 'SeqSero_result_'+time stamp+one random number")
     parser.add_argument("-c",action="store_true",help="<flag>: if '-c' was flagged, SeqSero2 will use clean mode and only output serotyping prediction, the directory containing log files will be deleted")
     return parser.parse_args()
@@ -350,10 +350,12 @@
     star_line = ""
     if len(seronames) > 1:  #there are two possible predictions for serotypes
         star = "*"
-        star_line = "The predicted serotypes share the same general formula:\t" + Otype + ":" + fliC + ":" + fljB + "\n"
+        #changed 04072019
+        #star_line = "The predicted serotypes share the same general formula:\t" + Otype + ":" + fliC + ":" + fljB + "\n"
     if subspecies_pointer=="1" and len(seronames_none_subspecies)!=0:
-      star_line="The formula with this subspieces prediction can't get a serotype in KW manual, and the serotyping prediction was made without considering it."+star_line
+      star_line=" The predicted O and H antigens correspond to serotype '"+(" or ").join(seronames)+"' in the Kauffmann-White scheme. The predicted subspecies by SalmID ( may not be consistent with subspecies designation in the Kauffmann-White scheme." + star_line
+      #star_line="The formula with this subspieces prediction can't get a serotype in KW manual, and the serotyping prediction was made without considering it."+star_line
     if  Otype=="":
     predict_form = Otype + ":" + fliC + ":" + fljB
@@ -364,23 +366,30 @@
         for x in special_gene_list:
             if x.startswith("sdf"):
                 sdf = "+"
-        predict_form = predict_form + " Sdf prediction:" + sdf
+                #star_line="Detected sdf gene, a marker to differentiate Gallinarum and Enteritidis"
+                star_line=" sdf gene detected." # ed_SL_04152019: new output format
+        #predict_form = predict_form + " Sdf prediction:" + sdf
+        predict_form = predict_form #changed 04072019
         if sdf == "-":
             star = "*"
-            star_line = "Additional characterization is necessary to assign a serotype to this strain.  Commonly circulating strains of serotype Enteritidis are sdf+, although sdf- strains of serotype Enteritidis are known to exist. Serotype Gallinarum is typically sdf- but should be quite rare. Sdf- strains of serotype Enteritidis and serotype Gallinarum can be differentiated by phenotypic profile or genetic criteria.\n"
-            predict_sero = "Gallinarum/Enteritidis sdf -"
+            #star_line="Didn't detected sdf gene, a marker to differentiate Gallinarum and Enteritidis"
+            star_line=" sdf gene not detected." # ed_SL_04152019: new output format
+            #changed in 04072019, for new output
+            #star_line = "Additional characterization is necessary to assign a serotype to this strain.  Commonly circulating strains of serotype Enteritidis are sdf+, although sdf- strains of serotype Enteritidis are known to exist. Serotype Gallinarum is typically sdf- but should be quite rare. Sdf- strains of serotype Enteritidis and serotype Gallinarum can be differentiated by phenotypic profile or genetic criteria.\n"
+            #predict_sero = "Gallinarum/Enteritidis" #04132019, for new output requirement
+            predict_sero = "Gallinarum or Enteritidis" # ed_SL_04152019: new output format
     ###end of special test for Enteritidis
     elif predict_form == "4:i:-":
-        predict_sero = "potential monophasic variant of Typhimurium"
+        predict_sero = "4:i:-"
     elif predict_form == "4:r:-":
-        predict_sero = "potential monophasic variant of Heidelberg"
+        predict_sero = "4:r:-"
     elif predict_form == "4:b:-":
-        predict_sero = "potential monophasic variant of Paratyphi B"
+        predict_sero = "4:b:-"
     #elif predict_form == "8:e,h:1,2": #removed after official merge of newport and bardo
         #predict_sero = "Newport"
         #star = "*"
         #star_line = "Serotype Bardo shares the same antigenic profile with Newport, but Bardo is exceedingly rare."
-    claim = "The serotype(s) is/are the only serotype(s) with the indicated antigenic profile currently recognized in the Kauffmann White Scheme.  New serotypes can emerge and the possibility exists that this antigenic profile may emerge in a different subspecies.  Identification of strains to the subspecies level should accompany serotype determination; the same antigenic profile in different subspecies is considered different serotypes.\n"
+    claim = " The serotype(s) is/are the only serotype(s) with the indicated antigenic profile currently recognized in the Kauffmann White Scheme. New serotypes can emerge and the possibility exists that this antigenic profile may emerge in a different subspecies.  Identification of strains to the subspecies level should accompany serotype determination; the same antigenic profile in different subspecies is considered different serotypes.\n"
     if "N/A" in predict_sero:
         claim = ""
     #special test for Typhimurium
@@ -395,9 +404,11 @@
         if normal > mutation:
         elif normal < mutation:
-            predict_sero = predict_sero.strip() + "(O5-)"
+            #predict_sero = predict_sero.strip() + "(O5-)"
+            predict_sero = predict_sero.strip() #diable special sero for new output requirement, 04132019
             star = "*"
-            star_line = "Detected the deletion of O5-."
+            #star_line = "Detected the deletion of O5-."
+            star_line = " Detected a deletion that causes O5- variant of Typhimurium." # ed_SL_04152019: new output format
     #special test for Paratyphi B
@@ -411,16 +422,20 @@
                 mutation = float(special_gene_list[x])
         if normal > mutation:
-            predict_sero = predict_sero.strip() + "(dt+)"
+            #predict_sero = predict_sero.strip() + "(dt+)" #diable special sero for new output requirement, 04132019
+            predict_sero = predict_sero.strip()+' var. L(+) tartrate+' if "Paratyphi B" in predict_sero else predict_sero.strip() # ed_SL_04152019: new output format
             star = "*"
-            star_line = "Didn't detect the SNP for dt- which means this isolate is a Paratyphi B variant L(+) tartrate(+)."
+            #star_line = "Didn't detect the SNP for dt- which means this isolate is a Paratyphi B variant L(+) tartrate(+)."
+            star_line = " The SNP that causes d-Tartrate nonfermentating phenotype was not detected. " # ed_SL_04152019: new output format
         elif normal < mutation:
-            predict_sero = predict_sero.strip() + "(dt-)"
+            #predict_sero = predict_sero.strip() + "(dt-)" #diable special sero for new output requirement, 04132019
+            predict_sero = predict_sero.strip()
             star = "*"
-            star_line = "Detected the SNP for dt- which means this isolate is a systemic pathovar of Paratyphi B."
+            #star_line = "Detected the SNP for dt- which means this isolate is a systemic pathovar of Paratyphi B."
+            star_line = " Detected the SNP for d-Tartrate nonfermenting phenotype." # ed_SL_04152019: new output format
             star = "*"
-            star_line = "Failed to detect the SNP for dt-, can't decide it's a Paratyphi B variant L(+) tartrate(+) or not."
+            star_line = " Failed to detect the SNP for dt-, can't decide it's a Paratyphi B variant L(+) tartrate(+) or not."
     #special test for O13,22 and O13,23
     if Otype=="13":
       #ex_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
@@ -440,15 +455,17 @@
           if predict_sero.split(" or ")[0] in z:
             if O22_score > O23_score:
               star = "*"
-              star_line = "Detected O22 specific genes to further differenciate '"+predict_sero+"'."
+              #star_line = "Detected O22 specific genes to further differenciate '"+predict_sero+"'." #diabled for new output requirement, 04132019
               predict_sero = z[0]
             elif O22_score < O23_score:
               star = "*"
-              star_line = "Detected O23 specific genes to further differenciate '"+predict_sero+"'."
+              #star_line = "Detected O23 specific genes to further differenciate '"+predict_sero+"'." #diabled for new output requirement, 04132019
               predict_sero = z[1]
               star = "*"
-              star_line = "Fail to detect O22 and O23 differences."
+              #star_line = "Fail to detect O22 and O23 differences." #diabled for new output requirement, 04132019
+    if " or " in predict_sero:
+      star_line = star_line + " The predicted serotypes share the same general formula:\t" + Otype + ":" + fliC + ":" + fljB + "\n"
     #special test for O6,8 
     #merge_O68_list=["Blockley","Bovismorbificans","Hadar","Litchfield","Manhattan","Muenchen"] #remove 11/11/2018, because already in merge list
     #for x in merge_O68_list:
@@ -669,14 +686,14 @@
     #print "$$$No Otype, due to no hit"#may need to be changed
-    highest_O_coverage=max([float(x[0].split("_cov_")[-1]) for x in final_O if "O-1,3,19_not_in_3,10" not in x[0]])
+    highest_O_coverage=max([float(x[0].split("_cov_")[-1].split("_")[0]) for x in final_O if "O-1,3,19_not_in_3,10" not in x[0]])
     for x in final_O:
       if not "O-1,3,19_not_in_3,10__130" in x[0]:#O-1,3,19_not_in_3,10 is too small, which may affect further analysis; to avoid contamination affect, use 0.15 of highest coverage as cut-off
-        if float(x[0].split("_cov_")[-1])>highest_O_coverage*0.15:
+        if float(x[0].split("_cov_")[-1].split("_")[0])>highest_O_coverage*0.15:
     ### special test for O9,46 and O3,10 family
     if ("O-9,46_wbaV" in O_list or "O-9,46_wbaV-from-II-9,12:z29:1,5-SRR1346254" in O_list) and O_list_less_contamination[0].startswith("O-9,"):#not sure should use and float(O9_wbaV)/float(num_1) > 0.1
@@ -714,7 +731,7 @@
         for x in final_O:
-          if x[2]>=max_score and float(x[0].split("_cov_")[-1])>highest_O_coverage*0.15:#use x[2],08172018, the "coverage identity = cover_length * identity"; also meet coverage threshold
+          if x[2]>=max_score and float(x[0].split("_cov_")[-1].split("_")[0])>highest_O_coverage*0.15:#use x[2],08172018, the "coverage identity = cover_length * identity"; also meet coverage threshold
             max_score=x[2]#change from x[-1] to x[2],08172018
         if O_choice=="O-1,3,19":
@@ -793,14 +810,21 @@
-  fliC_length=0 #can be changed to coverage in future
-  fljB_length=0 #can be changed to coverage in future
+  fliC_length=0 #can be changed to coverage in future; in 03292019, changed to ailgned length
+  fljB_length=0 #can be changed to coverage in future; in 03292019, changed to ailgned length
   O_choice="-"#no need to decide O contig for now, should be only one
   O_choice,O_nodes,special_gene_list,O_nodes_roles,contamination_O,Otypes_uniq=decide_O_type_and_get_special_genes(Final_list,Final_list_passed)#decide the O antigen type and also return special-gene-list for further identification
   if (O_choice=="1,3,19" and len(O_nodes_roles)==1 and "1,3,19" in O_nodes_roles[0][0]) or O_choice=="":
   H_contig_roles=decide_contig_roles_for_H_antigen(Final_list,Final_list_passed)#decide the H antigen contig is fliC or fljB
+  #add alignment locations, used for further selection, 03312019
+  for i in range(len(H_contig_roles)):
+    x=H_contig_roles[i]
+    for y in Final_list_passed:
+      if x[1] in y[0] and y[0].startswith(x[0]):
+        H_contig_roles[i]+=H_contig_roles[i]+(y[-1],)
+        break
@@ -820,17 +844,17 @@
   if len(H_contig_roles)!=0:
-    highest_H_coverage=max([float(x[1].split("_cov_")[-1]) for x in H_contig_roles]) #less than highest*0.1 would be regarded as contamination and noises, they will still be considered in contamination detection and logs, but not used as final serotype output
+    highest_H_coverage=max([float(x[1].split("_cov_")[-1].split("_")[0]) for x in H_contig_roles]) #less than highest*0.1 would be regarded as contamination and noises, they will still be considered in contamination detection and logs, but not used as final serotype output
   for x in H_contig_roles:
     #if multiple choices, temporately select the one with longest length for now, will revise in further change
-    if "fliC" == x[0] and int(x[1].split("_")[3])>=fliC_length and x[1] not in O_nodes and float(x[1].split("_cov_")[-1])>highest_H_coverage*0.13:#remember to avoid the effect of O-type contig, so should not in O_node list
+    if "fliC" == x[0] and len(x[-1])>=fliC_length and x[1] not in O_nodes and float(x[1].split("_cov_")[-1].split("_")[0])>highest_H_coverage*0.13:#remember to avoid the effect of O-type contig, so should not in O_node list
-      fliC_length=int(x[1].split("_")[3])
-    elif "fljB" == x[0] and int(x[1].split("_")[3])>=fljB_length and x[1] not in O_nodes and float(x[1].split("_cov_")[-1])>highest_H_coverage*0.13:
+      fliC_length=len(x[-1])
+    elif "fljB" == x[0] and len(x[-1])>=fljB_length and x[1] not in O_nodes and float(x[1].split("_cov_")[-1].split("_")[0])>highest_H_coverage*0.13:
-      fljB_length=int(x[1].split("_")[3])
+      fljB_length=len(x[-1])
   for x in Final_list_passed:
     if fliC_choice=="-" and "fliC_" in x[0] and fliC_contig in x[0]:
@@ -1148,7 +1172,7 @@
-  if os.path.getsize(combined_fq)>100 and os.path.getsize(mapped_fq1)>100:#if not, then it's "-:-:-"
+  if os.path.getsize(combined_fq)>100 and (fnameB=="" or os.path.getsize(mapped_fq1)>100):#if not, then it's "-:-:-"
     if fnameB!="":
       subprocess.check_output(" --careful --pe1-s "+combined_fq+" --pe1-1 "+mapped_fq1+" --pe1-2 "+mapped_fq2+" -t "+t+" -o "+outdir,shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
@@ -1249,11 +1273,12 @@
           for x in Final_list:
             file.write("\t".join(str(y) for y in x)+"\n")
-          Final_list_passed=[x for x in Final_list if float(x[0].split("_cov_")[1])>=0.9 and (x[1]>=int(x[0].split("__")[1]) or x[1]>=int(x[0].split("___")[1].split("_")[3]) or x[1]>1000)]
+          Final_list_passed=[x for x in Final_list if float(x[0].split("_cov_")[1].split("_")[0])>=0.9 and (x[1]>=int(x[0].split("__")[1]) or x[1]>=int(x[0].split("___")[1].split("_")[3]) or x[1]>1000)]
           O_choice,fliC_choice,fljB_choice,special_gene_list,contamination_O,contamination_H,Otypes_uniq,H1_cont_stat_list,H2_cont_stat_list=predict_O_and_H_types(Final_list,Final_list_passed,new_fasta) #predict O, fliC and fljB
         subspecies=judge_subspecies(fnameA) #predict subspecies
+        claim="" #04132019, disable claim for new report requirement
         H_list=["fliC_"+x for x in H1_cont_stat_list if len(x)>0]+["fljB_"+x for x in H2_cont_stat_list if len(x)>0]
         if contamination_O!="" and contamination_H=="":
@@ -1263,8 +1288,13 @@
         elif contamination_O!="" and contamination_H!="":
           contamination_report="#Potential inter-serotype contamination detected from both O and H antigen signals.All O-antigens detected:"+"\t".join(Otypes_uniq)+". All H-antigens detected:"+"\t".join(H_list)+"."
         if contamination_report!="":
-          contamination_report="potential inter-serotype contamination detected (please refer below antigen signal report for details)." #above contamination_reports are for back-up and bug fixing
-        claim="\n"+open("Extracted_antigen_alleles.fasta","r").read()#used to store H and O antigen sequeences
+          #contamination_report="potential inter-serotype contamination detected (please refer below antigen signal report for details)." #above contamination_reports are for back-up and bug fixing #web-based mode need to be re-used, 04132019
+          contamination_report="Co-existence of multiple serotypes detected, indicating potential inter-serotype contamination. See 'Extracted_antigen_alleles.fasta' for detected serotype determinant alleles."
+        #claim="\n"+open("Extracted_antigen_alleles.fasta","r").read()#used to store H and O antigen sequeences #04132019, need to change if using web-version
+        if contamination_report+star_line+claim=="": #0413, new output style
+          note=""
+        else:
+          note="Note:"
         if clean_mode:
           subprocess.check_output("rm -rf ../"+make_dir,shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
           make_dir="none-output-directory due to '-c' flag"
@@ -1279,9 +1309,10 @@
           H2_antigen_prediction = fljB_choice,
           predicted_antigenic_profile = predict_form,
           predicted_subspecies = subspecies,
-          predicted_serotype = predict_sero,
+          predicted_serotype = "{}{}".format(predict_sero, star),
+          result['*'] = star_line
           with open("Seqsero_result.tsv","w") as new_file:
          #new_file.write("Output_directory:"+make_dir+"\nInput files:\t"+input_file+"\n"+"O antigen prediction:\t"+O_choice+"\n"+"H1 antigen prediction(fliC):\t"+highest_fliC+"\n"+"H2 antigen prediction(fljB):\t"+highest_fljB+"\n"+"Predicted antigenic profile:\t"+predict_form+"\n"+"Predicted subspecies:\t"+subspecies+"\n"+"Predicted serotype(s):\t"+predict_sero+star+"\n"+star+star_line+claim+"\n")#+##
@@ -1315,7 +1346,11 @@
       predict_form,predict_sero,star,star_line,claim = seqsero_from_formula_to_serotypes(
           highest_O.split('-')[1], highest_fliC, highest_fljB, Special_dict,subspecies)
-      claim=""
+      claim="" #no claim any more based on new output requirement
+      if star_line+claim=="": #0413, new output style
+        note=""
+      else:
+        note="Note:"
       if clean_mode:
         subprocess.check_output("rm -rf ../"+make_dir,shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
         make_dir="none-output-directory due to '-c' flag"
@@ -1332,9 +1367,10 @@
           H2_antigen_prediction = highest_fljB,
           predicted_antigenic_profile = predict_form,
           predicted_subspecies = subspecies,
-          predicted_serotype = predict_sero,
+          predicted_serotype = "{}{}".format(predict_sero, star),
+        result['*'] = star_line
         with open("Seqsero_result.tsv","w") as new_file:
          #new_file.write("Output_directory:"+make_dir+"\nInput files:\t"+input_file+"\n"+"O antigen prediction:\t"+O_choice+"\n"+"H1 antigen prediction(fliC):\t"+highest_fliC+"\n"+"H2 antigen prediction(fljB):\t"+highest_fljB+"\n"+"Predicted antigenic profile:\t"+predict_form+"\n"+"Predicted subspecies:\t"+subspecies+"\n"+"Predicted serotype(s):\t"+predict_sero+star+"\n"+star+star_line+claim+"\n")#+##
Binary file SeqSero2/__pycache__/Initial_Conditions.cpython-34.pyc has changed
--- a/seqsero2.xml	Thu Apr 18 16:14:32 2019 -0400
+++ b/seqsero2.xml	Fri Jun 07 15:48:15 2019 -0400
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<tool id="seqsero_v2" name="SeqSero 2" version="2.0-65b863a">
+<tool id="seqsero_v2" name="SeqSero 2" version="2.0-cbdca79">
     <description>Salmonella serotype prediction</description>
       <requirement type="package" version="3.6">python</requirement>
--- a/test-data/Seqsero_result_25k.tsv	Thu Apr 18 16:14:32 2019 -0400
+++ b/test-data/Seqsero_result_25k.tsv	Fri Jun 07 15:48:15 2019 -0400
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-sample_name	O_antigen_prediction	H1_antigen_prediction	H2_antigen_prediction	predicted_antigenic_profile	predicted_subspecies	predicted_serotype	note
-forward_25k_1.fastq	-	g,s,t	-	-:g,s,t:-	I	N/A (The predicted antigenic profile does not exist in the White-Kauffmann-Le Minor scheme)	
+sample_name	O_antigen_prediction	H1_antigen_prediction	H2_antigen_prediction	predicted_antigenic_profile	predicted_subspecies	predicted_serotype	note	*
+forward_25k_1.fastq	-	g,s,t	-	-:g,s,t:-	I	N/A (The predicted antigenic profile does not exist in the White-Kauffmann-Le Minor scheme)		
--- a/test-data/Seqsero_result_25k_coll.tsv	Thu Apr 18 16:14:32 2019 -0400
+++ b/test-data/Seqsero_result_25k_coll.tsv	Fri Jun 07 15:48:15 2019 -0400
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-sample_name	O_antigen_prediction	H1_antigen_prediction	H2_antigen_prediction	predicted_antigenic_profile	predicted_subspecies	predicted_serotype	note
-Unnamed_Collection_1.fastq	-	g,s,t	-	-:g,s,t:-	I	N/A (The predicted antigenic profile does not exist in the White-Kauffmann-Le Minor scheme)	
+sample_name	O_antigen_prediction	H1_antigen_prediction	H2_antigen_prediction	predicted_antigenic_profile	predicted_subspecies	predicted_serotype	note	*
+Unnamed_Collection_1.fastq	-	g,s,t	-	-:g,s,t:-	I	N/A (The predicted antigenic profile does not exist in the White-Kauffmann-Le Minor scheme)		
--- a/test-data/Seqsero_result_allele.tsv	Thu Apr 18 16:14:32 2019 -0400
+++ b/test-data/Seqsero_result_allele.tsv	Fri Jun 07 15:48:15 2019 -0400
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-sample_name	O_antigen_prediction	H1_antigen_prediction	H2_antigen_prediction	predicted_antigenic_profile	predicted_subspecies	predicted_serotype	note
+sample_name	O_antigen_prediction	H1_antigen_prediction	H2_antigen_prediction	predicted_antigenic_profile	predicted_subspecies	predicted_serotype	note	*
 forward_25k_1.fastq	13	g,s,t	-	13:g,s,t:-	I	Okatie	The serotype(s) is/are the only serotype(s) with the indicated antigenic profile currently recognized in the Kauffmann White Scheme.  New serotypes can emerge and the possibility exists that this antigenic profile may emerge in a different subspecies.  Identification of strains to the subspecies level should accompany serotype determination; the same antigenic profile in different subspecies is considered different serotypes.
--- a/test-run/Seqsero_result_25k.tsv	Thu Apr 18 16:14:32 2019 -0400
+++ b/test-run/Seqsero_result_25k.tsv	Fri Jun 07 15:48:15 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+sample_name	O_antigen_prediction	H1_antigen_prediction	H2_antigen_prediction	predicted_antigenic_profile	predicted_subspecies	predicted_serotype	note	*
+forward_25k_1.fastq	-	g,s,t	-	-:g,s,t:-	I	N/A (The predicted antigenic profile does not exist in the White-Kauffmann-Le Minor scheme)		
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-run/Seqsero_result_25k_coll.tsv	Fri Jun 07 15:48:15 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+sample_name	O_antigen_prediction	H1_antigen_prediction	H2_antigen_prediction	predicted_antigenic_profile	predicted_subspecies	predicted_serotype	note	*
+Unnamed_Collection_1.fastq	-	g,s,t	-	-:g,s,t:-	I	N/A (The predicted antigenic profile does not exist in the White-Kauffmann-Le Minor scheme)